
Friday Jul 24, 2015
Quick take for S4E4 - Scott of GeniusCast with Scott and Mike
Friday Jul 24, 2015
Friday Jul 24, 2015
This week's episode came a day later than expected, and our podcasting schedule is a little worse for the wear. To tide you over, Scott gives his immediate reactions to Episode 4 of Season 4 so you Genius junkies (which would be every person who watches the show) can get a fix now, and our regular longer breakdown will be on its way soon. To that end, please tweet questions or thoughts about the episode to @WhoIsScottGreen and we'll address it all on the main podcast. Fighting!

Friday Jul 17, 2015
GeniusCast S4E3 - GeniusCast with Scott and Mike
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Scott and Mike break down Episode 3 of Season 4 of The Genius. We'll give you the inside scoop on the "Today's Menu" game, the deathmatch, and break down the remaining players' chances of victory. Plus: all the things you want us to talk about that we can't put in the episode description so nobody gets spoiled. Fighting!

Friday Jul 10, 2015
GeniusCast S4E2 - GeniusCast with Scott and Mike
Friday Jul 10, 2015
Friday Jul 10, 2015
Scott and Mike break down episode 2 of season 4 of The Genius. Can the Horror Race game be won with trickery, or only good-ol' alliance-wranglin'? How can nobody have a winning strategy? What is a jiangshi? You've got so much to learn, hoobae.

Friday Jul 03, 2015
GeniusCast S4E1 - GeniusCast with Scott and Mike
Friday Jul 03, 2015
Friday Jul 03, 2015
Scott and Mike break down episode 1 of season 4 of The Genius. What more do you need to know? What, you're an English-speaking fan of The Genius and you're not going to devour every morsel of Genius-related content?